Organización |
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Ubicación |
País |
Comentario |
Indice de Fomento de las Actividades de las OSC a Nivel Subnacional |
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México D.F. |
México |
El Índice de Fomento a las Actividades realizadas por las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (IFAOSC) es un instrumento de medición que permite conocer el estado integral del fomento a las OSC en las 32 entidades del país, en tres grandes dimensiones (legal, institucional y programática). |
Centre for Strategic Philanthropy |
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Cambridge |
Inglaterra |
The Centre for Strategic Philanthropy (CSP) within the University of Cambridge Judge Business School is dedicated to enhancing the impact of strategic philanthropy both within and from global growth markets. Through a combination of rigorous research, executive education and the convening of diverse voices, the Centre aims to become the leading hub of actionable knowledge to catalyse greater philanthropic impact from the world’s fastest growing regions. |
Sociedad Civil en Línea |
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Montevideo |
Uruguay |
La sociedad civil en línea es una comunidad virtual donde interactúan los ciudadanos en torno a intereses sociales comunes, asumiendo libremente un conjunto de derechos y obligaciones que regulan su vinculación. La moderación de La sociedad civil en línea está a cargo del Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo (ICD), organización no gubernamental de carácter independiente, fundada en 1986 en Montevideo, Uruguay. El Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo (ICD) es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro, fundada en 1986, con personería jurídica otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura de Uruguay. ICD trabaja en proyectos y programas en los países de América Latina y el Caribe, además de coordinar actividades con instituciones internacionales, públicas y no gubernamentales de la región. |
International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) |
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The Third Sector is increasingly recognized as playing a significant role in the development of almost every country of the world. Research is a major component of this growing understanding and ISTR is at the forefront of advancing this field of knowledge. Membership in ISTR is the best way for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to keep abreast of changes and participate in a dialogue with others with similar and complementary interests. ISTR is an indispensable professional asset. Your membership is vital to the continuing international growth of Third Sector Studies. |
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La organización fue creada en 1993 y desde 2002 nuestra sede principal se encuentra en Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica, aunque también tenemos otras oficinas repartidas por todo el mundo. Somos una alianza de miembros con más de 4000 repartidos en alrededor de 175 países.
Entendemos el concepto de sociedad civil de manera amplia, y en él englobamos organizaciones no gubernamentales, activistas, coaliciones y redes de la sociedad civil, movimientos sociales y de protesta, organismos de voluntariado, organizaciones benéficas, grupos religiosos, sindicatos y fundaciones filantrópicas. Así pues, nuestra membresía es diversa y abarca una amplia gama de organizaciones con tamaños, tipos y enfoques diferentes. |
L’Observatori del Tercer Sector |
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Barcelona |
España |
L’Observatori del Tercer Sector es un centro de investigación especializado en el tercer sector, sin ánimo de lucro e independiente. Tiene por finalidad profundizar e incrementar el conocimiento sobre el mundo no lucrativo, trabajar para su visibilidad y la mejora del funcionamiento de las organizaciones no lucrativas. |
ARNOVA Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) |
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IL |
The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) is the U.S.-based, national and international association that connects scholars, teachers, and practice leaders interested in research on nonprofit organizations, voluntary action, philanthropy and civil society. |
Corporate Europe Observatory |
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Brussels |
Belgica |
Corporate Europe Observatory is a research and campaign group. We investigate, expose and challenge the power of corporate lobbying over European Union policy-making, and develop progressive alternatives to the dominance of corporate power. |
Observatorio de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (Observatorio de RSC |
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Madrid |
España |
El Observatorio de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (Observatorio de RSC), es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que nace en el año 2004 de la mano de varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil con el objetivo de trabajar en el impulso de la correcta aplicación de la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC).
Desde sus inicios funciona como una plataforma para la cooperación e investigación para potenciar la RSC en las empresas, de sensibilización y de seguimiento de las políticas públicas y sus aplicaciones prácticas. |
EU-Russia Civil Society Forum |
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Berlin |
Alemania |
EU-Russia Civil Society Forum (Forum, or CSF) is a network of thematically diverse non-governmental organisations from Russia and the European Union, established as a bottom-up, non-partisan civic initiative. The Forum serves as a platform for members to engage in joint activities, articulate common positions, provide support and solidarity, and exert civic influence on policy- and decision-making on the (inter)governmental level. Driven by a vision of ‘the civil society beyond borders’, the Forum brings together organisations and people and therefore contributes to the integration between Russia and the EU, based on common values of pluralistic democracy, rule of law, human rights and social justice. |
Observatorio del Tercer Sector de Bizkaia |
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Bilbao |
españa |
El Observatorio del Tercer Sector es un centro de información, investigación aplicada, consultoría y promoción, especializado en el tercer … |
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bilbao |
España |
Asociación que agrupa a las redes del Tercer Sector Social en Euskadi.
Desde Sareen Sarea realizamos las acciones necesarias para lograr que el Tercer Sector Social sea un agente social de referencia. Trabajamos con nuestras redes y entidades para dotar a la iniciativa social vasca de una identidad, objetivos y discurso compartido. Y tejemos alianzas con otros agentes sociales, políticos e institucionales para cumplir nuestra misión y alcanzar nuestra visión. |
Irekia |
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españa |
Tras la elaboración de la Estrategia del Tercer Sector Social de Euskadi, la creación del Censo de entidades del Tercer Sector social y la coordinacion de este con el Registro de Entidades del voluntariado, se han dado los primeros pasos de perfilado para el Observatorio del Tercer Sector Social de Euskadi. |
Taula del Tercer Sector Social Catalunya |
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barcelona |
españa |
La Mesa del Tercer Sector somos la institución que representamos el conjunto de las entidades sociales catalanas. Agrupamos 36 federaciones y grandes organizaciones del Tercer Sector Social de Cataluña, que representan y aglutinan en conjunto a más de 3.000 entidades sociales no lucrativas. Es una Entidad Declarada de Utilidad Pública. |
Instituto Observatorio Social |
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San Pablo |
Brasil |
O Instituto Observatório Social é uma organização sem fins lucrativos que tem como objetivo a geração de conhecimento para o mundo sindical e o mundo do trabalho. Com abrangência nacional e internacional, o IOS realiza pesquisas e estudos especializados, com metodologias e processos participativos, que contribuem para a ação sindical, o diálogo social e o desenvolvimento sustentável. |
OMAL Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina |
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Madrid, Bilbao, Cordoba |
España |
El Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina (OMAL) es un proyecto creado por la Asociación Paz con Dignidad en el año 2003, con tres objetivos fundamentales:
1.- Documentar y sistematizar la información sobre el poder y los impactos en la dimensión económica, política, social, ambiental y cultural de las empresas transnacionales. Así como la «arquitectura de la impunidad» que permite a las grandes corporaciones no cumplir con su obligación de respetar los derechos fundamentales de la población. Se pretende, además, visibilizar las resistencias y propuestas de regulación y alternativas al poder de las multinacionales.
2.- Formación y sensibilización sobre la violación sistemática de los derechos humanos por las empresas transnacionales y la necesidad de poner en marcha mecanismos de control y alternativas. Se presta especial atención a la actividad de las compañías multinacionales españolas en América Latina.
3.- Trabajar en red con centros de estudio, sectores críticos de la academia, ONGD, organizaciones y movimientos sociales, sindicales, políticos y comunidades afectadas que resisten frente al poder de las corporaciones transnacionales, promoviendo unas relaciones sociales justas y solidarias entre los hombres y las mujeres del Norte y el Sur. |
Global Investigative Journalism Network |
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Here are nonprofit and related organizations worldwide that work in support of investigative journalism, listed by region. It is a diverse group that includes nonprofit newsrooms, online publishers, professional associations, NGOs, training institutes, and academic centers in nearly 50 countries. For inclusion, GIJN applied the following criteria: the group is structured as a nonprofit or non-governmental organization operating in the public interest; its primary mission includes support of investigative journalism; and, for reporting organizations, there is a substantial, on-going commitment to in-depth project reporting or data journalism. |
Latin American Network Information Center |
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Austin, TX |
Trusted Internet portal for Latin American Studies content since 1992 |
Organization of American States (OAS) |
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The Organization of American States, in order to put into practice the principles on which it is founded and to fulfill its regional obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, |
HG |
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Legal Resources |
Guide Star |
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We strive to provide the highest-quality, most complete nonprofit information available. |
National Council of Nonprofits (Council of Nonprofits) i |
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Washington DC |
The National Council of Nonprofits (Council of Nonprofits) is a trusted resource and proven advocate for America’s charitable nonprofits. Connecting the policy dots across all levels and branches of governments, the Council of Nonprofits keeps nonprofits informed and empowered to create a positive public policy environment that best supports nonprofits in advancing their missions. Working with and through the nation’s largest network of nonprofits – with 25,000-plus organizational members – we identify emerging trends, share proven practices, and promote solutions that benefit charitable nonprofits and the communities they serve. |
ANSERJ – Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research / Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OSBL et l’économie sociale |
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Canada |
The Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research / Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OSBL et l’économie sociale (ANSERJ) is an online open access English and French peer-review publication. ANSERJ is dedicated to providing a stimulating and vibrant forum for the open dissemination of contemporary high-quality, peer-reviewed research on nonprofits and the social economy. This journal is intended to contribute to extending and linking the value of nonprofit and social economy research relationships across Canada and throughout the world. ANSERJ is multi-disciplinary, as well as interdisciplinary. High quality theoretically based, empirically grounded research and applied research from different perspectives is welcome to further the frontiers between theory and practice. |
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing |
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The International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (INVSM) provides a global forum for peer-reviewed research on marketing for the not-for-profit sector. We publish articles which meet the highest standards of academic rigour, and have a direct relevance to practitioners in the field. |
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing |
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5 issues per year |
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly |
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Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is an international, interdisciplinary journal for nonprofit sector research dedicated to enhancing our knowledge of nonprofit organizations, philanthropy, and voluntarism by providing cutting-edge research, discussion, and analysis of the field. NVSQ provides a forum for researchers from around the world to publish timely articles from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. |
VOLUNTAS International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations |
Baltimore, MD |
VOLUNTAS, the official journal of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), is an interdisciplinary journal that provides a central forum for worldwide research in the area between the state, market, and household sectors. The journal combines full-length articles with shorter research notes (reflecting the latest developments in the field) and book reviews. The journal is published six times per year. |
The Foundation Review- Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy |
Michigan |
The Foundation Review is the first peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy, written by and for foundation staff and boards, and those who work with them implementing programs. It provides rigorous research and writing, presented in an accessible style.
Our mission: To share evaluation results, tools, and knowledge about the philanthropic sector in order to improve the practice of grantmaking, yielding greater impact and innovation. |
Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER) |
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Canada |
ANSER-ARES is a Canadian association for those who have an interest in research that pertains broadly to nonprofit organizations and the social economy.
ANSER-ARES is working to:
foster a collaborative community of scholars and researchers; and
develop a Canadian body of knowledge that encompasses such fields as community economic development, philanthropy, nonprofit management, volunteering, social and environmental accounting, government/voluntary sector relationships, social movements, citizen engagement, and civil society. |
International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) |
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Baltimore, MD |
Founded in 1992, the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) is a major international association promoting research and education in the fields of civil society, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector. ISTR is an organization committed to building a global community of scholars and interested others dedicated to the creation, discussion, and advancement of knowledge pertaining to the Third Sector and its impact on human and planetary well-being and development internationally. As an organization, ISTR is recognized and respected for its global vision, its commitment to excellence, its collaborative approach, and the values of diversity and pluralism with which it pursues its mission. |
Israeli Centre for Third-Sector Research: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
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Beer Sheva |
Israel |
Israeli Center for Third Sector Research (ICTR )was established at the Ben- Gurion University of the Negev in 1997 in order to conduct and promote Academic Research and study on Civil Society, the Third Sector, and related fields in Israel. ICTR is a multi- and inter-disciplinary center serving researchers and students from academic disciplines, universities and colleges. |
Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
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Jerusalem |
Israel |
t is the first academic research center of its kind in Israel, and works towards enhancing knowledge in the fields of civil society, philanthropy and cross-sector partnerships. To this end, The Center works in cooperation with major philanthropic foundations and umbrella organizations in Israeli civil society. In addition, The Center partners with leading international research centers and scholars in these fields. |
John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement: The American University in Cairo |
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Cairo |
Egipto |
Strengthen the culture of social responsibility through philanthropy, as well as effective civic and business engagement in the Arab region.
Serve as a regional incubator for knowledge, responsible business practices, civic leadership and capacity building to promote effective social responsibility. |
Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management: University of Technology |
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Sydney |
Australia |
The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies: Queensland University of Technology |
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Brisbane |
Australia |
NA |
Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies: Ryerson University |
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Toronto, ON |
Canada |
NA |
Institute for the Study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Ryerson University |
Toronto, ON |
Canada |
The CSR Institute aims to understand the roles and interplay of government, the private sector and civil society in contributing to sustainable development. The Institute is dedicated to becoming a Centre of Excellence on social responsibility issues, producing and disseminating high quality SR research, holding events that explore how SR can be effectively implemented and the challenges associated with such implementation, and to bringing together actors from government, private sector, and civil society (including academia) for constructive learning on social responsibility. |
Institute for Nonprofit Studies: Mount Royal College |
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Calgary, AB |
Canada |
School of Policy Studies Public Policy and Third Sector Initiative: Queen’s University |
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Kingston,ON |
Canada |
Sprott Centre for Social Entreprises / Centre Sprott pour les entreprises sociales (SCSE/CSES): Carleton University, Sprott School of Business |
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Ottawa, On |
Canada |
Centre for Nonprofit Management: Trinity College, University of Dublin |
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Dublin |
Irlanda |
Centre for Nonprofit Sector Research: Masaryk University |
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Brno |
Rep Checa |
Centre for the Study of Philanthropy: VU University Amsterdam |
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Amsterdam |
Holanda |
Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society: Humboldt University |
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Berlin |
Alemania |
Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research in the Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research: University of San Diego (CA) |
San Diego, CA |
The mission of the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research is to provide research, evaluation and consulting services that help build the capacity of nonprofit and philanthropic organizations |
Center for Civil Society: University of California, Los Angeles |
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Los angeles,CA |
Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis |
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Indeanapolis |
Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy: Grand Valley State University |
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Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society: The City University of New York |
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New York, NY |
Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy: University of Southern California |
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Los angeles,CA |
Helen Bader Institute for Nonprofit Management: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
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Milwaukee, WI |
Helen Bader Institute has grown into a thriving hub of nonprofit education, research, and community engagement. |
Institute for Human Services & Public Policy: Louisiana State University in Shreveport |
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Louisiana |
Institute for Nonprofit Organization Management: University of San Francisco (CA) |
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San Francisco, CA |
Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies: Johns Hopkins University |
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Baltimore, MD |
Lodestar Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Innovation: Arizona State University |
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Phoenix |
Nancy Bell Evans Center on Nonprofits & Philanthropy: University of New York |
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New York, NY |
Nonprofit Management: Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy |
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New York, NY |
Center for Nonprofit and NGO Studies: Northern Illinois University |
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Dekalb, IL |
Nonprofit Minor/Certificate: University of Washington |
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Seattle, WA |
RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service: University of Texas |
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Austin, TX |
Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER) Annual Conference |
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Canada |
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Annual Conference |
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Award for Distinguished Achievement and Leadership in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research |
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Gabriel G. Rudney Memorial Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research |
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Outstanding Article in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ) |
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Outstanding Book in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research |
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Virginia A. Hodgkinson Research Book Prize |
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Guide Star . Directory |
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Research Institutes (Displaying 1 – 100 of 8,773) |
Independent Sector |
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washington DC |
Independent Sector is the only national membership organization that brings together a diverse set of nonprofits, foundations, and corporations to advance the common good. |
ICNL International Center for Not-for-profit Law |
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washington DC |
We come from virtually every continent, and we share a vision in which individuals are empowered to improve their everyday lives. We seek a legal environment that strengthens civil society, advances the freedoms of association and assembly, fosters philanthropy, and enables public participation around the world. |
Federación Antioqueña de ONG |
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Medellin |
Colombia |
¡La voz de las Organizaciones Sociales para incidir y hacer visible su impacto¡
Líneas de acción Respaldo e Incidencia.
Fortalecimiento. Aval de Transparencia.
Articulación. |
Confederación Colombiana de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales – CCONG |
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Bogota |
Colombia |
La Confederación Colombiana de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales – CCONG, es una organización nacional de entidades sin ánimo de lucro – ESAL, creada en 1989, que agrupa federaciones regionales y departamentales, asociaciones, corporaciones y fundaciones nacionales que trabajan por el bien común; el desarrollo sostenible; la promoción, seguimiento y garantía de los derechos humanos; la gobernanza, la democracia y la paz. |
Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular, CINEP/Programa por la paz |
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bogota |
Colombia |
Ser un Centro que construye conocimiento y sistemas de información por medio del desarrollo de cinco líneas de investigación histórica y estructural sobre la realidad colombiana, a saber: i) El conflicto, la violencia y la construcción del Estado; ii) La movilización social y la realización de los derechos fundamentales; iii) El reconocimiento y visibilidad de la memoria de la víctimas a quienes les han violado sus derechos civiles y políticos; iv) El análisis y las alternativas sobre el desarrollo desigual; y, v) El estudio y seguimiento a las iniciativas, la movilización y los diálogos de paz. De esta manera CINEP/PPP, contribuye a crear propuestas hacia una sociedad justa, sostenible y en paz en Colombia.
Ser un Centro de formación, capacitación y acompañamiento, que toma partido por los sectores discriminados, incluidos de manera precaria o excluidos, acompaña organizaciones y comunidades en la promoción y exigibilidad de sus derechos integrales, apoya el fortalecimiento de sus capacidades y su participación en la construcción de un desarrollo humano integral y una paz sostenible.
Ser un Centro de mediación en el conflicto social del país, que con su trabajo y presencia en distintas redes, escenarios y regiones, contribuye a la construcción de “puentes” y relaciones entre distintos sectores de la sociedad, el Estado, los movimientos sociales, la academia, las iglesias, gremios y actores privados, e incidir en procesos de debate y concertación social, en escenarios de incidencia en la opinión pública y de definición de políticas públicas. |
Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sostenible Colombia |
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Colombia |
Investigar, divulgar el conocimiento y apoyar los procesos de construcción de capacidad, en temas relacionados con medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible. |
FVG Centro de Politicas Sociais |
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Rio deJaneiro |
Brasil |
A FGV Social busca contribuir para o desenvolvimento inclusivo brasileiro conectando a pesquisa aplicada ao debate na sociedade e à implantação de políticas públicas. Abordando de maneira integrada os temas sociais mais prementes da cena brasileira, atua em prol da difusão de conhecimento e da inspiração de novas práticas inclusivas. |
Transparecia |
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Brasil |
Ser a principal referência no fortalecimento da transparência, controle social e integridade do poder público, por meio de informações qualificadas. |
Observatorio Social do Brasil |
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Curitiva |
Brasil |
É um espaço para o exercício da cidadania, que deve ser democrático e apartidário e reunir o maior número possível de entidades representativas da sociedade civil com o objetivo de contribuir para a melhoria da gestão pública.
Cada Observatório Social é integrado por cidadãos brasileiros que transformaram o seu direito de indignar-se em atitude: em favor da transparência e da qualidade na aplicação dos recursos públicos. São empresários, profissionais, professores, estudantes, funcionários públicos (exceto os que integrem a esfera de atuação do observatório específico) e outros cidadãos que, voluntariamente, entregam-se à causa da justiça social. |
Observatorio do terceiro setor |
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Sao Paulo |
brasil |
O Observatório do Terceiro Setor é uma agência brasileira de conteúdo multimídia com foco nas temáticas sociais e nos direitos humanos, no que o mundo precisa com urgência. Reúne plataformas de TV, de rádio e digitais para divulgar as boas práticas das organizações da sociedade civil. |
APTO – Centro de Estudo e Difusão do Terceiro Setor |
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Sao Paulo |
brasil |
APTO – Centro de Estudo e Difusão do Terceiro Setor é um departamento do Instituto de Fomento e Apoio ao Terceiro Setor – APOIO BRASIL, formado por um grupo pessoas físicas e jurídicas, com atuação em ramos variados e formação em diversas áreas profissionais. |
Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (Cemefi) |
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Ciudad de mexcio |
Mexico |
El Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (Cemefi), es una asociación civil fundada en diciembre de 1988. Es una institución privada, no lucrativa, sin ninguna filiación a partido, raza o religión. Cuenta con permiso del Gobierno de México para recibir donativos deducibles de impuestos. Su sede se encuentra en la Ciudad de México y su ámbito de acción abarca todo el país. |
Observatorio Nacional Ciudadano de Seguridad Legalidad y Justicia A.C |
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Ciudad de mexcio |
Mexico |
El Observatorio Nacional Ciudadano es una organización de la sociedad civil que fomenta el entendimiento de las condiciones de seguridad, justicia y legalidad del país, buscando incidir en la eficacia de las políticas y acciones de la autoridad. |